Companies that work with high volume of CAD images are dissatisfied with high subscription cost of CAD image processing tools. Existing Out-Of-The-Box solutions do not provide automation capabilities for batch processing as well as lack the flexibility to convert different drawing types in different ways depending on the given conditions.
Solution offered by Wincima
Wincima has offered a cloud-based web-application with batch upload, conversion and saving capabilities that include both raster and vector formats (STL, DGN, WMF, EMF and PDF as well).Simultaneous batch processing and fully configurable conversion settings provide all required capabilities for effective CAD image processing.
Architecture: SPA Web-application on REST services with Amazon and Azure cloud storage support input and output documents storage.Profile-based user system provides the capability to store user preferences and keep conversion setup settings for future use. Scheduler tool with prioritization.
Stack: .NET Framework with C# 4.5, ASP .NET Web API, JavaScript 1.6, HTML5/CSS3, Angular 2, MS SQL, Amazon S3, Azure Storage
Results: Drawing processing time was decreased by stunning 120%. Dramatic decrease of per image conversion cost. Up to 45% of engineer's time has been freed from conversion involving activities.